Hammelsvang Trading is agent for Canarm and Faromor

Canarm is a global corporation that manufactures and sells products across 3 business sectors: Agricultural products, HVAC ventilation, and consumer products. It began in 1955 in a small metal sheet shop in Ontario, Canada. It has since grown and now has offices and manufacturing facilities located around the globe with over 400 employees and 80 years of history. Hammeslvang Trading represent the agricultural sector and focus mostly on dairy. www.canarm.com/agriculture

Faromor, established in 1978, began in Ontario, Canada and manufactures natural ventilation for the agricultural industry. Faromor, now owned by Canarm, has been designing quality ventilation systems for every type of livestock facility known, in Canada and around the world in 24 different countries. Faromor is committed to product development and producing quality products that farmers can trust. From design to completion, they can do it all. www.faromor.com