Curtains or Panels:
For air intake the sidewall will be open. We have curtain up to 4 m high. By higher openings we can offer our split curtain. With a split curtain, the bottom portion remains closed in the cold weather, and only the top is adjusted. This allows for less wear and tear on the curtain and less strain on the controls. In warm weather, the bottom curtain is rolled up, and the entire sidewall is open.
We have both rolling curtain and folding curtain.
In some cases, our panels, either SolarVu or ClearVu panels will be better solution.
This can be in very cold areas or in transport corridors from the barn to the milking parlor room and in the milking parlor room.
Our panels are very tight and have high insulation value.
Both curtains and panels can be ither manual or automated operated.
For air out take we use chimneys. chimneys are a good option when some control over the inside environment is desired. Because of the rain cap they will reduce the amount of rain or snow entering a barn while still providing good ventilation.
Our chimneys are equipped with a damper, which can be used to control the outflow of air. The damper doesn't fit tight and has about a 2.5-cm (1-in.) gap around it, so even when closed it will allow for minimum ventilation. Dampers do not have to be adjusted daily but should be adjusted seasonally.
Our chimneys are available in 3 dimensions, 610 x 610 mm, 760 x 760 mm and 915 x 915 mm.
In combination with our chimneys, we offer our Skylite.
This is a lexan plate mounted in the ridge to allow natural light to enter the barn.
This helps with a nice environment for both the animals and the people working in the barn.